Things I've written

I write relatively often, considering that my work tends more toward the machine-readable end than toward the human-readable end. I wrote several actual pieces at one time or anyother, but lately it's been mostly email, and talking about my opinions on topics and trying to explain stuff.

Here are some of my more polished attempts:

These things I have started but are not yet ready to show: My other literary efforts generally are not intended to be viewed as literature, and thus would do poorly to form a list of items. They are scattered about these pages as they are finished, or sent off to some conversation or other. However, some writing of this type is intended never to become polished, or is intended to be shared before being polished. This, therefore, forms a collection of writings with no regard for an audience. I call it /null, and leave it as a directory listing of files by date or subject. The rules I set for myself are that I may not edit a paragraph I've left, shall not say anything I would wish some audience not to see, and will not pay attention to style. Read it if you wish, but criticism and judgement are to be suspended for the duration of the experience.

I intend eventually to have written programs which either use or produce a significant ammount of text. If and when these are ready, I will likely display them here.
